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Crime Avoidance Lectures | Crime Avoidance: Lunchtime Lectures | De-escalation | Writers Workshops

Although we mostly teach hands on combatives, we also provide lectures on various topics.

Crime Avoidance
Until you have seen the savagery of -- and the depths of trauma left by -- criminal attacks many things may seem more important than avoiding crime. Often it is this very attitude that makes it easy for the criminal to attack you! That's because people unwittingly walk right into the lion's jaws!

The old saw An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure applies to being victimized as well. Before you can apply that, you need to know what to look for. If real crime looked like it did in the movies, then it would be no problem spotting it and leaving. Unfortunately, what's coming at you in a deserted parking lot, doesn't behave like movie bad guys.

Marc MacYoung has been described as a "very engaging and funny" speaker on a subject that is supposed to be scary. He is not a "paranoia pimp." As a lecturer, his goal is to give the listeners the tools they need in order to be safe.
$500, plus travel expenses for up to 4 hour lecture
(In Front Range Colorado local rates of $100 an hour apply)

Crime: Lunch Time Lectures (Front Range Colorado Only)
The name says it all. Designed to fit within a lunch hour, The Lunch Time Lectures provide your staff, easy and basic steps to prevent from being selected as a victim. Crime prevention and crime avoidance are easy...once you know how criminals really operate. Once you know what criminals need in order to succeed -- with very little effort -- you can prevent the criminal from choosing you as his victim. Safety comes not from physically defending yourself, but not putting yourself into a situation where you would have to.

Note: This is not a speech on self-defense. Nor is it a promotion to get your employees to study martial arts with us. It is about only one thing, teaching your employees how to be safe from crime. I

Lecture rates: $100 an hour (Denver/Colorado Springs area only) TV/VCR/DVD necessary
Contact Marc Macyoung at or call NNSD
303 814-0976

De-escalation seminars
Unlike the Control Presence, the de-escalation program doesn't include tactical issues. Motivations for violence, types of violence and strategies most likely to counter them, just as important, the types of behaviors on the part of the negotiator will cause the situation to go physical, the difference between institutional and personal authority, command/control presence and pattern interruption strategies as well as how to prevent from accidentally sending the wrong signals to provoke an attack.

Also covered are what are the actions you can take to get it back from the physical? Getting, not only control, but cooperation? Many of the concepts in this class will be immediately recognized by veterans as "street smarts."  These are issues that it normally takes years  of hard knocks and experience to acquire an unconscious understanding and ability to apply. An understanding that is difficult to communicate to rookies. This is a crash course, designed to codify and explain what the veterans instinctively know about how to talk a situation down.

$500, plus travel expenses for up to 4 hour lecture
(In Front Range Colorado local rates apply / Power Point capabilities preferred)

Writers Workshop
How do you write convincingly about crime, violence, alpha males, sword & knife fighting, combat and street life if you haven't done them yourself? Ask someone who has. Tailored to the genre. Conventions welcome.

$500, plus travel expenses for up to 4 hour lecture
(In Front Range Colorado local rates apply / Power Point capabilities preferred)


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Street Safe: How to Recognize and Avoid Violent Crime
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Street Safe: How to Recognize and Avoid Violent Crime
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Violence, Blunders And Fractured Jaws: Advanced Awareness, Avoidance and Street Etiquette
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Surviving a Street Knife Attack
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Cheap Shots, Ambushes and Other Lessons
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