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You're not a pacifist. You're just
scared of
physical violence.
Danny Young
Violence Never Solved Anything ... Yeah Right
On this page:
The Blog
Okay, we admit it blogging can be fun. Sad to say most blogs are designed to elicit an emotional reaction from the reader rather than have that person stop and say to themselves "I never thought of that..." Marc runs a blog on non-crime related issues at MySpace.
A common problem for those whose profession is to
tell violent people 'no' is encountering the
sanctimonious combination of superiority and distain
some people hold for those 'holding the line.' This is a
common attitude of those
1) who feel they are superior because they are
intelligent enough not
to be violent
2) and yet ... who at the same time feel they are also
qualified to
tell you how to do your job.
For anyone who's ever had to put up with this kind of person ...
This Blog's For You
Barry Eisler (
set me up on this one...
He posted on MySpace (
comments that he was still chuckling over the following
post. And naturally people are going to wonder what
we're talking about. Thing is there is a story behind
what you're about to read.
It started with a quote by me:
The source of violence is not poverty. It is not
gender. It is not race. It is not lack of education. It
is not society. It is self-interest. And on this front,
the self-proclaimed pacifists are no better than the
violent. They just use different tools.
Recognize that I have lived my life out on the pointy
end of things. A horrid place where violence is a fact
of life. To me, violence has always been a tool. Granted
an often misused tool, but one that does have its time
and place. It's usually not the best tool, but when it's
time to use it, it's not only the right time to use it,
but it's the best tool.
This is why I loved the Tom Robbins quote from Even
Cowgirls Get the Blues: Violence stinks, no matter
which end of it you're on. But now and then there's
nothing left to do but hit the other person over the
head with a frying pan.
Over the last few months I've been revamping my No
Nonsense Self-Defense Webpage (
Because I like starting pages out with relevant quotes,
I did a Google search on "quotes, violence."
I damn near died from insulin shock.
It seems that you can find 1,000s of quotes about the
virtues and moral superiority of non-violence. You can
find even more agenda driven statements about the root
cause of violence. (All of which I raked up and put into
a pile with my quote). Usually these quotes are from
people who rely on others to provide their food and
security for them, but that doesn't stop them from
commenting about how the world 'should be' from their
nice, safe, comfy positions.
What you can't easily find is acknowledgment of the fact
that every now and then you have to reach for the frying
pan ...
This led to a conversation about an issue that is well
known to anyone who has a frying pan in their tool kit.
Namely dealing with the sanctimoniousness of people who
not only have never been out to the pointy end, but rely
on people like us to keep it away from them -- while at
the same time condemning us for being as bad as the
people we are keeping at bay. Why? Because we use
violence. It doesn't matter what the goal is, in their
book, violence is 'bad.' And by extension, we are bad
for using it. One of the most common clichés you hear
from folks like this is "Violence never solved anything"
Well let's just take a crack at that idea shall we? And
at the same time have a little fun with those who scorn
us while expecting us to protect them.
Lemme start off by saying that a concept I really have
problem with in Western thought is the idea of
absolutes. While Plato, Aristotle and the boys argued it
differently, this concept, often misinterpreted in
Western thinking as something is either 100% true or
100% false (bi-value as opposed to multiple value --
classical logic
tends to be bi-value).
Based on this thinking, many people often believe
something is 'categorically' true -- all the time and
everywhere. Well, isn't that just black and white? The
grey scale is thrown out the window.
How does this apply to violence? Well, let's take a look
at the assessment of "violence never solved anything."
Hmmm ... looks like an absolute to me.
Why? Well, let's start with the Hugh Grant quote from
"Two Weeks Notice":
"That's just silly ... have you met everyone on the
This from my admittedly flawed memory, but let's apply
that same point to the 'violence never solved anything'
How do you know it never solved anything?
By what empirical evidence do you base that on? Since going
back a few billion years is too big a task, let's limit
to the length of time man is believed to have been on
this planet. Have you been around through the entire 2
million year history of mankind? And while we're at it
... during those millions of years were you everywhere
that two or more humans were in each other's presence.
That is what would be required to be qualified to
accurately make such a flat statement.
If not, then the person is stating an opinion framed as
And yet it is appalling how many people never catch on
to this. They never demand the person prove or
demonstrate that statement, much less qualify it. And
face it, such a huge assessment of reality requires some
serious proof. Even reframing it to "in my experience,
violence never solved anything" would bring it more in
line with reality.
And, even with this "in my experience" qualification, it
still may or may not be an opinion -- or worse. A friend
of mine Dr Menard's (a Ph.D in chemistry) told me, as a hard
scientist, 'the data doesn't lie to him?' (Not
necessarily true with social sciences). When it comes to
such an emotional topic as violence, long before we get
to where people lie, we're likely dealing with
subjective interpretation. Even reframed the statement
to "in my experience" may still be a false assertion.
Granted, it might be that in the person's honest
interpretation. in his point of view 'violence never
On the other hand, how the hell do we know that a far
more accurate representation of the person's position
isn't "In my experience violence never solved anything
to my own benefit"?
For all we know violence worked great for the other guy.
But we cannot discount the likelihood, that -- even if
they do ease off from the absolute and qualify their
statement with a "in my experience" -- they could be
intentionally distorting the facts of their experience
to make their point. Putting it bluntly, for all we know
he could be lying to make his point.
Are there people who believe lying for a 'good cause' is
acceptable? You betcha. Would lying about the
effectiveness of violence plausibly fit into this
category? Ever actually looked up the definition of
violence? I did ... in the Random House Unabridged
Violence: 1) Swift and intense force: the violence of a
storm. 2) Rough or injurious physical force, action,
treatment: to die by violence. 3) An unjust or
unwarranted exertion of force or power, as against
rights, laws, etc.: To take over a government by
violence. 4) a violent act or proceeding . 5) Rough or
immoderate vehemence as of feeling or language: the
violence of his hatred. 6) Injury, as in distortion of
meaning or fact: to do violence to a translation.
Urrgh... is it just me or are #3-6 really inconvenient?
Because face it, they have nothing to do with physical
violence. So someone can be really, really violent
without ever throwing a punch. But talk about an ick
factor with the last one. According to that,
spindoctoring is a form of violence. There's a new twist
on 'violence never solved anything' that'll make you
think twice, eh? Hell, I'd like the world to be a less
violent place, but I question the validity of any
approach where you have to lie in order to achieve a
'better world.'
Unfortunately, it's been my less than pleasant
experience that there are a whole lot of people who
aren't pacifists at all, they're just afraid of physical
violence. They are extremely emotionally, verbally and
if you believe in such, spiritually violent. The sad
thing is these are usually the folks who tend to make
the "violence never solved anything" comment.
When faced with the statement "violence never solved
anything" -- instead of making the person prove an
absolute statement or demanding that it be reframed as
an opinion -- many people:
a) try to argue the proposition,
b) accept the proposition
c) or while part of them knows that something ain't
quite right, they don't know what's wrong, so they just
keep their mouths shut and move away from the person.
Option B makes for boring cocktail parties (bringing to
mind Kipling's monkeys from the Jungle Book, all jumping
around chanting "It is so because we say it is so") And
Option C keeps the peace at the same cocktail party. On
the other hand if you want to have some fun let's take a
look at Option A.
Here's the problem with Option A. You can never prove
your argument to someone who is 'married' to such a
false premise. That's because no matter what evidence
you present, they will dismiss it. They can do this
because they are currently not being shot at -- nor is
it likely that they ever have been or will be. Therefore
arguing proofs at a cocktail party is a waste of time.
Furthermore, by you approaching their position, they are
entrenched, and you are fighting on their terms. And as
dear old George S Patton said: Never let the enemy pick
the battlefield.
This is why I personally prefer to take the MIB
approach. Cop wheels a body into the morgue with a cat
sitting on the corpse ...
Coroner, "What's with the cat?"
Cop, handing the coroner a clip board, "Sign here. Yeah
well ... the cat's a problem."
Coroner, signing the clipboard before handing it back
"What's the problem?"
Cop, taking the clipboard, "It's your problem now."
See you don't have the problem of disproving an
assertion, they have the problem of proving theirs.
When someone tells me "violence never solved anything,"
I mentally 'hand them the clipboard' by asking them,
"How do you reconcile that statement with the fact that
-- on several occasions -- I have solved the problem of
someone shooting at me by shooting back?"
And then as they try to tap dance their way out, I
proceed to bring them back to the fact that an absolute
statement, in order to be true, MUST be true everywhere.
And that doesn't include them trying to hand me back the
clipboard with questions like "What has violence solved
in Iraq?"
Don't be distracted by their counter questions. That's not the issue at hand. (Although trying to hand you back a bigger, generalized and unanswerable question to wiggle out of answering a specific on is a common tactic).
Nitwit is the one who made the statement, why the hell do you have to explain world politics to disprove it? Isn't it up to them to defend it? And not in a general idealize way, but specifically to the question at hand (You being alive because...). Remember in absolutist thinking (classical logic) in order for a absolute and overarching statement to be true, it must be true everywhere. From the panorama of world politics right down to you still being there breathing. And that's another place where absolute statements start to rapidly fall apart.
See I'm not the one who made an absolute
statement, they are. Ergo, they are the one who has to
defend said premise. This is especially true if they
expect us to accept it as a universal truth and change
our behavior to match it.
While they are flailing around I also like to direct
them to Robert Heinlein's statement:
"Those who cling to the untrue doctrine that violence
never settles anything would be advised to conjure up
the ghosts of Napoleon Bonaparte and of the Duke of
Wellington and let them debate it. The ghost of Hitler
could referee. Violence, naked force, has settled more
issues in history than has any other factor, and the
contrary opinion is wishful thinking at its worst.
Nations and peoples who forget this basic truth have
always paid for it with their lives and freedoms.:
It's really fun to play this way because it's way harder
to defend the idea that violence never solved anything
than it is for you to defend the idea that violence is a tool --
albeit an often misused one -- but a tool that can and
does have its time and place.
That's a far more pragmatic position because it isn't
absolute. The more you keep on coming back to this idea,
the more you will reveal a fundamental contradiction in
their thinking ... namely that violence is okay as long
as they are the ones doing it (or controlling those who
are, e.g. the police). Don't argue for this premise, but
get them to defend their absolute ideology in light of
this, their hidden agenda.
Oh if you really want to have fun add in 'the misuse of
a tool does not argue against its use.' (Which, golly,
gosh, also is a legal concept). You can have these
people reduced to emotional sputtering wrecks in no time
at all.
Oh yeah, and remember I mentioned that violence is a tool? Here's some of the common ways that it is used as such, or as I call it Kinds of Violence
Meditations on Violence
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Taking It to the Streets
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The Missing Link: Self-Protection Through Awareness,
Avoidance and De-Escalation
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Real World Self-Defense
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Emotional Survival for Law Enforcement
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Surviving Workplace Violence
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